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Turning His Life Around

2016-08-31-PeterL-capsPhoto credit: S:US

Before Peter met S:US he was homeless and had lived in a shelter for eight years. He got involved in drug-related criminal activity, was caught and served time. He admitted, “I’ve been busted and paid for it.” 

Then Peter heard about S:US and began to hope that he could turn his life around. He accepted treatment at one of our clinics and got the opportunity to live at our Chester supported housing. “I’ve been staying out of trouble for nearly 18 years and have been attending several programs including Narcotics Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous to stop me from going back to negativity and selling poison to people out there or end up using it myself.” Three years ago Peter joined our Brooklyn Clubhouse where staff encouraged him to complete his high school education. In due course he received his GED and is now looking for work. 

He said, “S:US made a positive impact on my life because staff work with me. They are helping me look for a job and find affordable low-income housing. Through community meetings at Chester and the Brooklyn Clubhouse I learned how to deal with problems in day-to-day life like coping with transportation and traffic.”

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