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This Is Where I Want To Be

DSC_0551Photo credit: S:US

Carolyn J. (right) spent several difficult months living in a Harlem shelter before she learned about the S:US supported housing building in Third Ave, the South Bronx and moved there in December 2015. “This has been life changing for me,” she said.

“Since I moved here I’m more grounded, because S:US has provided me not just a place to live but a home. It’s very peaceful and quiet and the staff are willing to help you with anything. This is my home: and they couldn’t pull DSC_0547me out of this place if they tried, they really couldn’t. I wouldn’t leave this place if someone were to offer me a brand new house: this is where I want to be.” 

On the warm September day that was the 2016 Harvest Luncheon, after being interviewed in the gardens by a News 12 reporter, Carolyn was happy to show visitors her studio apartment which boasts not only a good view of northern Manhattan, but also offers an excellent aerial view of our Third DSC_0555Ave urban farm (see right). When asked what it’s like for her to work in the garden, she enthusiastically responded,

“It’s pretty unlimited what you can do when you have a garden. It’s a beautiful environment and it’s all organic! Ever since I arrived here I’ve been getting a lot of recreation by working in the garden which I gives me a lot of peace and serenity and is very fulfilling. This type of environment is new to me but it’s soothing and gives me a place to think. It’s changed my life tremendously to watch things grow. When I came here the garden was just a blank space, and now we have life growing all around us and I get to eat it too!” She added, I’ve always eaten pretty healthy, but this is the freshest I’ve ever eaten because I’ve never grown my own food! We have a lot of fruits and vegetables, including homegrown lettuce, radishes, eggplants, tomatoes, and an abundance of herbs — you just can’t go wrong!”

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