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Announcing a partnership with inclusively

Announcing a partnership with inclusively

Photo: incusively

In order to address economic hardships and recruitment challenges, our Human Resources team is thinking outside the box by capitalizing on every opportunity to attract talent to S:US. In recognition of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we have entered into a rewarding partnership with inclusively, a company committed to people with disabilities/limitations who are capable and ready to work. To achieve this objective, inclusively has built a workforce inclusion platform that connects job seekers with employers who are dedicated to attracting and retaining previously hidden talent. The platform empowers employers like S:US with accommodations, insights, access, trainings and supports needed to attract and retain candidates with disabilities/limitations who are well positioned to succeed in the workplace. Not only would we be able to add such dynamic talent to S:US, but we would also have the opportunity to place the people we support in jobs that fit their personal choice.

As an organization advancing social justice and inclusivity, our HR team is ensuring that we are aligned with the organization’s overall mission of righting societal imbalances while building an inclusive workforce.

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