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April 7 is World Health Day

April 7 is World Health Day

Today is World Health Day, which is celebrated annually and each year draws attention to a specific health topic of concern to people all over the world. This year’s theme is our planet, our health.

The World Health Organization has posed three questions for this day:

Are we able to reimagine a world where clean air, water and food are available to all?
Where economies are focused on health and well-being?
Where cities are livable and people have control over their health and the health of the planet?

This part of the WHO’s powerful statement strongly resonates with me – “While the COVID-19 pandemic showed us the healing power of science, it also highlighted the inequities in our world. The pandemic has revealed weaknesses in all areas of society and underlined the urgency of creating sustainable well-being societies committed to achieving equitable health now and for future generations without breaching ecological limits.” 

At S:US, we care for the most vulnerable individuals and families. We take care of our communities and support their physical and mental health. We know that our society is inequitable and we provide solutions that contribute to righting societal imbalances. We offer the people we serve a path to healing, well-being, and stability. But let us not forget to take care of ourselves too, so that we can be our best when serving others.

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