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Artist Spotlight: Elizabeth’s Works of Art

Artist Spotlight: Elizabeth’s Works of Art

Photo credit: S:US

March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month. Throughout the month, we will celebrate and feature stories from the people we support. We believe that with the right set of supports, people with intellectual/developmental disabilities can live in, work in, contribute to, and participate in the community.

Person supported Elizabeth began drawing at the young age of 5. She was inspired to draw by watching friends of her older brothers and sister, as well as tuning in to watch art shows on television, mostly on PBS. When Elizabeth was in middle school, she took lessons at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. She also participated in weekly art classes at her school for special education, but for the most part she is self-taught. Sometimes she draws on a daily basis, but she frequently makes art 3-5 times per week. Her specialty is making portraits in the style of realism, using pens with erasers first and then coloring drawings in with art markers. Elizabeth is known for making portraits of her housemates. Elizabeth’s favorite type of art is ancient Egyptian, but she also likes art from the Roman period, from India, and from Native Americans. She enjoys visits to art museums and galleries.

When asked what she loves about art, Elizabeth shares, “I can draw anything I want. Sometimes I look at people and draw them or sometimes I make it up in my head or look at photos on my phone or tablet.” She also realizes that the practice of making art is therapeutic for her. “Art calms me down and helps me feel better when I am angry or feel sad.” She recognizes that there are areas in which she would like to improve like drawing hands and feet, which are difficult for her. One day she hopes to take painting classes and attend art school and sell her drawings in the future. Since she has been making art for over 20 years, Elizabeth feels that drawing is a lifelong passion that she would like to pursue.

We’re thrilled that Elizabeth has found her passion and honored that she has chosen to share her artwork with us!

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