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BankUnited Grant Helps S:US Meet Exceptional Challenges

BankUnited Grant Helps S:US Meet Exceptional Challenges

Photo credit: S:US

We are grateful to BankUnited for supporting S:US with a generous grant. The grant will help S:US advance its mission of driving scalable solutions to transform the lives of people with disabilities, people in poverty and people facing homelessness: solutions that contribute to righting societal imbalances.

S:US plays a critical role in the health and well-being of more than 37,000 of New York City’s most vulnerable individuals and families each year, helping them overcome complex and challenging life circumstances. At S:US, we understand that for there to be long-term social change, we must invest in people and communities. We work to eliminate the root causes of inequity and poverty, while addressing people’s unique needs—needs that are compounded by the challenges people face due to a lack of opportunity. We give people hope, providing a path to a bright future for themselves, their families, and communities, a future that is not defined by challenges, but by opportunity for all.

Our mission has grown even more critical during these extraordinary times. S:US’ services and supports address the needs of the most vulnerable individuals in settings like supported housing and shelters where many people live in close quarters and are at high risk for contagion. Our frontline staff have been providing care and resources throughout this dangerous pandemic. We procured needed personal protective equipment, medical items, cleaning supplies, and additional sanitation services. These and other essential items are necessary to safely continue providing meals, mental health support, and supportive services to the people we serve, and doing our part to slow the spread of COVID-19.

BankUnited’s support will help us meet these exceptional challenges and allowed us to continue providing crucial services to, on average, more than 10,000 New Yorkers each day. In fact, S:US is one of New York City’s 10 largest healthcare nonprofit organizations, excluding hospitals, according to Crain’s New York Business (November 2021).

All of us at S:US are proud to serve the needs of our diverse community and grateful for all of our partners and donors’ continued support of these empowering and life-enhancing initiatives.

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