Celebrating Disability Pride Month

S:US is observing Disability Pride Month with a reaffirmation of our long-held core belief in the essential dignity and value of each individual. As a social change organization, we act on this belief by treating the thousands of New Yorkers we serve every single day with compassion, care, and respect, as we partner with them to transform their lives.
The first Disability Pride Day event was held in Boston in July of 1990, the same month that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was enacted into law. We proudly celebrate the diversity of the people that we support with disabilities – those with physical, intellectual/developmental disabilities, people with mental illness, and those with undiagnosed disabilities. We are dedicated to helping people live up to their fullest potential by creating opportunities for meaningful relationships, full integration into the community, and personal growth.
We’re participating in the Disability Pride Parade on Sunday, Oct 2. Join us to mark this important occasion (stay tuned for more details soon). Together, we create opportunity for all.