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Celebrating Nurses!

Celebrating Nurses!

Happy National Nurses Month and National Nurses Week to the nurses at S:US and to nurses everywhere! Nurses make a difference in our lives and in the lives of the people they support.

This year’s theme, Nurses Make a Difference, honors the varying roles of nurses and their positive impact on our lives. Nurses make a difference by ensuring quality patient care. Nurses make a difference by influencing and shaping health policy decisions. Nurses make a difference by caring, no matter the circumstance. This week and month are a time to honor the commitment, resilience, and vast contributions of nurses in our city and our nation.

We’re grateful to our nurses for their commitment to supporting New Yorkers in need. We value the impact nurses have made in so many lives – whether they work in our homeless shelters, supportive housing, treatment and recovery services, developmental disabilities services, or other programs.

A month is not enough time to tell nurses how much they mean to us. We appreciate nurses every day!

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