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Celebrating S:US Nurses on National Nurses Week!

Happy National Nurses Week to S:US nurses and to nurses everywhere! You make a difference in our lives and the lives of the people you support. Nurses are our trusted providers of quality healthcare, advocates for individuals and families, and influencers of healthcare policy.

We know the past three years have been very challenging. We honor your commitment to supporting vulnerable New Yorkers during this time of change. Thank you for the impact you have made in so many lives – whether you work in our developmental disabilities services, behavioral health services, homeless shelters, or supported housing programs.

Lastly, we would like to share a quote from Robert H., S:US Registered Nurse at CTI Harlem. His sentiment captures the selfless acts and honorable work ethic that is embodied by S:US nurses.

“’Nursing is not for the faint of heart nor the empty of heart.’ (source unknown) I really like this quote and think that it truly encompasses what nursing represents at its core. As nurses, we are the frontline in many highly stressful situations; we support individuals who may be feeling fragile, vulnerable and afraid. It is our job to treat everyone we encounter with dignity and respect, and to always offer hope.”
– Robert H., RN, CTI Harlem

Thank you for everything you do!

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