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Counting On S:US

Homeless-HOMEBASE-Rita & Rudy Rodriguez-cropWhen S:US met Rudy Rodriguez in Sept 2015 he was at serious risk of losing his apartment and having to move into a shelter. His financial difficulties included being under-employed and supporting his pregnant partner who, at the time, lived outside the United States and was unable to work.  As a result, Rudy accrued nearly $6,000 in rental arrears.

S:US was able to accurately assess Mr. Rodriguez’s housing and other support needs and successfully coordinate services to secure the necessary funding to keep Rudy stably housed and remove the risk of eviction. Our HomeBase program provided financial support to zero out his arrears and get him out of court. Next, our HomeBase program’s Vocational Services Counselor provided Rudy with comprehensive job readiness and career counseling support.

Here’s a letter S:US received from Rudy Rodriguez expressing his gratitude for helping him, Rita and their baby (pictured) avoid homelessness (personal information has been redacted).

Homeless-HOMEBASE-Rudy Rodriguez-ltr

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