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Developmental Disabilities Advocacy Rallies

We are highlighting advocacy efforts of people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, their families and the Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) that support them. The activities demonstrate alignment as a sector in support of justice and fairness for staff and to demand meaningful increases to help pay increasing costs.

DSPs support people with disabilities with essential daily functions, medication administration, nutrition recommendations, domestic chores, understanding COVID-19 safety, and keeping their spirits up with fun activities. They also help people learn how to do things for themselves. It is because of their care and compassion that those who receive our services continue to have enriching and rewarding lives.

People supported plus staff attended the Fight the Power! Rally on March 10 at the former site of Willowbrook Hospital, hosted by the Staten Island Development Disabilities Council.

People supported plus staff advocated for DSPs and a living wage in Albany. The rally was held on March 23, organized by NY Disability Advocates and IAC.

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