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Domestic Violence Awareness Depicted in Empowering Ribbon Statements

Domestic Violence Awareness Depicted in Empowering Ribbon Statements

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. S:US operates two domestic violence shelters in New York City, offering respite and sanctuary for women, men, and their children who have experienced domestic violence. We provide counseling, supportive services, and a place where individuals and families can feel safe and secure so they can rebuild their lives.

Survivors of domestic violence that we serve wrote empowering statements on ribbons to express what they wanted to hold on to (purple ribbons) and what to let go of (black ribbons). This exercise helped them envision a new life for themselves and their children. While there is fear in starting over or of the unknown, we wanted to help our survivors write their own narrative of what these statements mean for them and to give them a chance to dream of a better life for themselves and their children. Displaying these ribbons with their empowering statements in our shelters will help to serve as reminders to them as well as others on how important this journey is in changing their lives – and to encourage them to keep going.

Here are a few of the powerful survivor statements:

Let go of: Grudges, Stress, Procrastinating, Debt, Laziness, Clutter, Anger, Trauma, Bad Eating Habits.

Hold on to: My presence is power! I am unstoppable, I am worthy, I am loved, I am enough, I have the power to create change.

Let go of: Doubt, Toxic Ways, Guilt, Bad Thinking, Stress, Negative Energy, Dwelling.

Hold on to: Confidence, Faith, Worthy, Purpose, I can love, I am resilient, I am my light, I am in charge of my life.

Let go of: Financial Problems, Family Curse, Negative Energy, Overthinking, Compromising the things I shouldn’t, Self-Doubt, Not putting myself first, Low Self-esteem, Past trauma, Being taken advantage of!

Hold on to: Confidence, Taking control of my emotions, Advocate for myself, My feelings are valid, Only Moving Forward, Loving myself, I am competent, I have found peace! Trusting my truth, I am capable, I am powerful!

Let go of: Outside validation! Unrealistic Expectations! Male Centeredness!

Hold on to: Financial Security, Beating Post-Partum Disorder, Serenity, Creating a routine and sticking to it (Self-care), Getting me and my babies in our own home!

Let go of: Miedo, Estres tristeza, Incertidumbre, Preocupaciones. 
Fear, Stress, Sadness, Uncertainty, Worries.

Hold on to: Mucha Salud y paz vida, Felicidad, Armonia, Ver y abrazar a mi mama, convivencias familiares,Viajar a conocer Disney.
Lots of Health and Peace in Life, Happiness, Harmony, Seeing and hugging my mom, Family gatherings, Traveling to Disney World.

Let go of: Resentment, Confusion, Heartache, Setback, Disappointment, Worry, Stress, Anxiety.

Hold on to: Seeking God before making decisions, New Life, Fresh Start, Routine, Prayer Life, Continuing to be a great mom, New Business, New Mindset, Healthy Mind, Healthy Body, Healthy Soul, Becoming my best self, Positive thinking, Protecting of my child and myself.

Thank you to our amazing staff for supporting the families in our shelter, in stabilizing their lives and in helping them find permanent housing.

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