Your gift will help S:US provide safe homes and essential services to tens of thousands of New Yorkers this year, including people with disabilities, people in poverty, and people facing homelessness.

At a time when New York City is facing housing, cost-of-living, and mental health crises, the people S:US serve need more support than ever before. Your gift will help S:US address these challenges through our broad range of services, including homelessness prevention, mental health, and food distribution programs.

To help S:US continue to improve the lives of the most marginalized New Yorkers, please make a one-time gift or become a S:UStainer by making a recurring gift of any amount.  We hope you will join us in working to right societal imbalances and create opportunity for all.

More Ways to Give

Become a Corporate Partner

Learn how your company can get involved and support the work of S:US.

Mail a Check

Send Funds to:
Services for the UnderServed
Attn: Stacey Weston
463 7th Avenue, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10018

Make a Legacy Gift

Become a member of our legacy giving society by including S:US in your will.

S:US is a qualifying 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, registered with the Attorney General’s Office in the State of New York. Our Federal ID number is 91-1918247. For inquiries concerning New York charitable organizations, call the Attorney General’s Charities Bureau at (212) 416-8401 or visit

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