Dr. Nadjete Natchaba named as Nonprofit Trailblazer

Dr. Nadjete Natchaba named as Nonprofit Trailblazer

Photo caption: Dr. Nadjete Natchaba (middle) with S:US staff.

Congratulations to S:US Chief Program Officer Dr. Nadjete Natchaba for being recognized as a Nonprofit Trailblazer.

Dr. Natchaba leads a team of devoted clinicians and administrators managing behavioral health, recovery and treatment, veterans, and homeless services for New Yorkers in need. Supporting the workforce at S:US and in the larger community is Dr. Natchaba’s way of living up to her core value of interdependency.

The S:US Board, staff, and our community join in congratulating Dr. Natchaba on this well-deserved honor!

See the full list here.

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