Extending A Helping Hand

Photo credit: S:US

Source:  Autism Spectrum News
by:  Amanda Duva, BCaBA and Terry Blackwell, BCBA

2016-07-15-Amanda-TerryAs a behavior specialist working in the home with the families of individuals with disabilities there is an exceptional opportunity to identify needs and concerns of not just our direct client, but also the family as a whole. While the primary focus is on the adult or child who needs support, it is inevitable that a professional relationship will develop with parents and siblings. If done well, a level of trust will be acquired. When this happens, you are now in the position where you can support the family and utilize that dynamic to further improve the lives of the household. Often families of children with an intellectual disability suffer greatly in isolation from the ability to interact in community settings with other families and peers, due to the need to care for their son or daughter. When the therapist steps through the door…READ MORE



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