
First Fridays with Urban Farms

First Fridays with Urban Farms

Photo credit: S:US

Gardening has surged in popularity during the pandemic, as people are spending more time at home and may have concerns about possible food shortages. Did you know that S:US operates one of the largest urban agriculture initiatives in New York City? With more than 50 urban farms and gardens in the yards and on the roof tops of some of our supported housing sites, S:US’ Urban Farms grow approximately 6,700 lbs. of fruits, vegetables, and culinary herbs yearly, with the harvest distributed at no cost to S:US housing residents and program participants.

Connect with Urban Farms and join our “First Fridays with Urban Farms” — a monthly live broadcast on YouTube. We will highlight the work of our Urban Farmers and discuss ways you can be involved in horticulture from home! Our next broadcast will be held on Friday, July 3 at 12pm. Please bookmark our YouTube channel to stay updated.

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