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From Wires to Paint

From Wires to Paint

Their normal tools of the trade are wires and gauges, but on January 14, they opted instead to pick up paintbrushes, rollers and buckets of paint.  They are 19 members of the NYC Chapter of the Electrical Workers Minority Caucus of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) who, while here in NY for their annual conference, took part in a “Day of Service.” Services for the UnderServed is the grateful recipient of their voluntary service as they painted the hallways of our Esperanza and Ujjima residences in upper Manhattan.  These volunteers where not only from New York but also from as far away as CA, MN, TRX, NV, GA and MO.

Many thanks guys!

Painting the Ujima Residence:

Painting the Esperanza Residence:

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