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Getting Healthy At Our Urban Farms

016-05-04-John-resizedPhoto credit: S:US

The 2016 S:US Dinner For A Better New York will create awareness for our urban farms and benefit urban farmers like John P.

John has been involved with S:US Urban Farms for three years. He was raised on a ranch, but has learned a lot of new skills through Urban Farms about plant care, carpentry and nutrition. John enjoys working outdoors tending to the needs of edible plants.  Not only is he getting fresh air and exercise, but since becoming involved in farming has noted that, “My diet has become healthier, including more fresh fruits and vegetables.” He also finds work with Urban Farms therapeutic; he enjoys watering the plants each morning and managing the landscaping for his residence.

With the support of Urban Farms, John participated in a farmers’ market training program through Hostos Community College, where he earned a certificate in customer service. He is proud of his work with his residence’s garden, and is always excited to give tours to visitors!


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