“Green” Your NonProfit

We are pleased that New York Nonprofit Media decided to publish an Op-Ed by our Urban Farms Manager, Mike Hollis (pictured) about the benefits of urban farming.

2016-10-13-Mike HollisPhoto credit: S:US

Source:  New York Nonprofit Media
by Mike Hollis

This year marks the 40th anniversary of farmers’ markets in New York City. Launched in 1976 with three markets (Union Square, Brooklyn, and an Upper West Side location), the city now hosts nearly 100 markets throughout the five boroughs.

The success of New York City’s farmers’ market network forms just part of our local food movement’s story. Restaurants have increasingly sought out and advertised direct farm partnerships, reflecting the growing public interest in locally sourced ingredients. Commercial urban agriculture enterprises like Brooklyn Grange and Gotham Greens have brought farming back to within the city’s limits. In 2015, Rooftop Reds brought a vineyard operation to the Brooklyn Navy Yard, returning commercial grape growing to New York City for the first time in over a century.The nonprofit sector has also played a role in this movement, creating greater awareness of…READ MORE


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