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Honoring Staff Veterans

We are proud to recognize the remarkable contributions of our S:US staff who have served in the military. Each has brought their unique skills, dedication, and resilience to our mission of supporting New Yorkers in need.  

We are highlighting Veteran Services team members whose commitment continues to make a difference in the lives of veterans and their families. We honor their bravery, celebrate their achievements, and express our gratitude for their ongoing service to our communities.

Lisa Dalhouse is an active member serving in the Navy Reserves and has been with S:US for 11 years.  

She is currently the Employment Director for SSVF and is responsible for overseeing the Veteran Services Employment Program.  

Lisa finds giving back to the veteran community deeply fulfilling. She expressed, “Every time I help a veteran overcome the complex challenges they face, I take pride in knowing I’ve made a meaningful difference in their lives. As part of this community, I understand firsthand the struggles veterans encounter, and it’s important to me to be an advocate and a voice for them. S:US fills crucial gaps where larger programs may fall short, and I’m honored to contribute to this mission, ensuring my fellow veterans receive the support they deserve to improve their quality of life.” 

Renee Joseph was a member of the Marine Corps from 1996 to 2007 and has been part of the S:US team for six years.  

She is currently the Team Lead for Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Intake/Outreach and is responsible for supervising the Intake, Outreach and Peer Specialist team’s daily workflow. Renee also provides leadership and guidance for the team on documentation standards for the SSVF and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Program, schedules intake appointments via telephone or in-person, in the field, and at homeless shelters, and organizes and leads monthly meetings for veterans identified by Department of Social Services (DSS) shelters in Nassau and Suffolk counties. 

Reflecting on why she gives back to veterans served by S:US, Renee remarked, “I too have been homeless before and believe that no one should ever have to experience homelessness.” 

Danae Mohalland was a member of the Army and has been with S:US for nine years.  

She is currently the Senior Service Coordinator for Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) and is responsible for overseeing the delivery and coordination of core SSVF supportive services for military veterans. Danae also leads staff in daily operations of SSVF case management services. 

She gives back to veterans served by S:US because she understands the struggles that veterans go through when they have nowhere to turn and no one to point them in the right direction. Danae shared, “As a veteran who needed assistance, I was fortunate enough to receive services from our S:US SSVF team. it will always be my pleasure to help my fellow vets by providing the same services that I received in my time of need.” 

Maritza Feliciano Potter was a member of the Navy and has been with S:US for two years.  She is currently the Rapid Rehousing Specialist for Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF.) 

Maritza finds being part of a positive chapter in another veteran’s journey fulfilling. She affirmed, “Continuing to support my military siblings is a largely overlooked part of having served, but absolutely vital in showing each other that we still have the support and camaraderie available to us, even after leaving active duty.” 

Robin Smith is a veteran with 20 years served through active duty in the Air Force, Army National Guard, and Air Force Reserves.   

She has been working at S:US for nearly 12 years starting as an Employment Specialist from 2013 and promoted to Veteran Care Coordinator in 2018. Robin was promoted to Program Director in 2016. 

She is currently the Program Director for Veteran Outreach Services and responsible for the management and oversight of the Senior Outreach Specialist and Veteran Recruitment Manager, ensuring seamless daily operations of the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program’s services and prompt enrollment of all participants eligible for services. Robin is also a member of the Brooklyn Community Board Veteran’s Committee where she fosters relationships with community leaders and officials to bring awareness to veteran services and resources. 

Robin gives back to veterans served by S:US because she started as a client when her job of 15 years was outsourced and became unemployed. She fell behind in her rent and found out about S:US and SSVF at a veteran’s job fair. S:US helped her with her rental arrears and gave her a job. Almost 13 years later, Robin shared, “It is still an honor to serve those who served their country and share my story with them.” 

Sahir Wally is a former active duty veteran who served in the Army and has been part of the S:US team for nearly two years.  

She is currently the Employment Specialist/Case Manager for Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) and is responsible for leading outreach efforts to connect veterans with employment services, from developing individualized employment plans to offering job readiness assessments and skills training. Sahir’s work involves close collaboration with Veterans Services staff, participants, and external partners like CUNY Employment, ensuring that veterans receive the support and resources they need to succeed.  

Reflecting on her role, Sahir said, “I give back to veterans because I have experienced firsthand how difficult it can be to set yourself up for success after life in the military and working at S:US gives me the opportunity to make that transition easier for vets.”

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