
Ancient Medea / Modern Dilemmas: An Evening of Performance and Dialogue


Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

Ancient Medea / Modern Dilemmas is an evening of performance and dialogue anchored in Euripides’ Medea –
an ancient play that prompts essential questions timely in today’s society.

  • Is Medea struggling with mental illness and if so, how do we understand the chilling logic of her decision to kill her own children?
  • What drives deception and what prompts domestic violence?
  • What can we better say and do to protect the innocent victims of trauma?
  • How do we serve the ongoing challenges of those living with mental illness and the anguish of suffering?

Women for S:US presents an Outside the Wire special performance of staged readings of scenes from Medea, drawing from actors who have previously participated in OTW performances. Bryan Doerries, Co-Founder of OTW, will then facilitate a lively discussion of panelists and audience members about the relevance of this classic myth to our lives today, including under-discussed mental health issues we face such as suicide, alcohol and substance abuse, and the impact of trauma on families.



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