Our News

National Philanthropy Day

National Philanthropy Day is on November 15. We are taking this opportunity to thank all of you for supporting S:US and helping to transform the lives of people with disabilities, people in poverty, and people facing homelessness.

This day gives us a chance to reflect on the meaning of giving and the importance of working together for the common good.

Your support enables us to give the tools to thousands of vulnerable New Yorkers to empower themselves. We’re grateful to all of our partners, including The Beacon Group, for working with S:US to help the people we serve to stabilize their lives.

“Beacon is an integral partner with S:US. Our staff bears direct witness to the good work S:US does day in and day out for individuals with special needs throughout New York City. We support S:US and their good work because the work, the agency, and the individuals matter.”
– Barbara M. Lehrer, President and Founder of The Beacon Group of New York State


Thank you again for everything you do to support S:US!

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