
You’re Invited to our 14th Harvest Celebration!

You’re Invited to our 14th Harvest Celebration!

You’re Invited to our 14th Harvest Celebration!

Join us and take part in our celebration which will feature information about our programs and activities including wellness and nutrition, product sampling and sales, and more!

Join us to Celebrate the Groundbreaking of Starhill Phase II

Join us to Celebrate the Groundbreaking of Starhill Phase II

Join us to Celebrate the Groundbreaking of Starhill Phase II

Starhill Phase II will create 244 affordable apartments, including 74 supportive housing units for formerly homeless individuals and families with on-site supportive services provided by S:US.

Cheers to 10 Years of the Dinner for a Better New York

Cheers to 10 Years of the Dinner for a Better New York

Cheers to 10 Years of the Dinner for a Better New York

On June 5, Celebrity Chef, TV personality and S:US Board Member Andrew Zimmern and 10 of the city’s top chefs joined S:US to raise $1.2 million for New Yorkers in need!

Join us for the Marcus Garvey Extension Phase 2 Groundbreaking Ceremony

Join us for the Marcus Garvey Extension Phase 2 Groundbreaking Ceremony

Join us for the Marcus Garvey Extension Phase 2 Groundbreaking Ceremony

Marcus Garvey Extension Phase 2 will create 287 units of supportive and affordable housing in Brownsville, Brooklyn.

Save the Date: Dinner for A Better New York on June 5, 2024

Save the Date: Dinner for A Better New York on June 5, 2024

Save the Date: Dinner for A Better New York on June 5, 2024

Cheers to 10 years of celebrating an extraordinary culinary experience curated by Chef Andrew Zimmern to benefit vulnerable New Yorkers served by S:US. We hope you can join us!

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