Family Doctors Diagnosing PTSD Offered Screening Advice

Learn how family doctors in Canada are diagnosing PTSD in their patients even when they won't talk about a traumatic event without being asked.

Obesity May Be A Side Effect of PTSD In Women, Study Finds

LA TIMES: Is Obesity a side effect of PTSD in women? It’s an intriguing question, considering that 1 out of every 9 women will meet the diagnostic criteria for PTSD at some point in their lives.

What Long-Term Marijuana Use May Do To Your Brain

According to a new study, people who use marijuana for many years respond differently to natural rewards than people who don't use the drug.

Adding A Spring To The Step Of S:US Olympians

How do you get beer and BBQ enthusiasts to connect with the mission of S:US? By throwing a Spring Social at the Brooklyn Brewery, of course!

Everybody’s A Winner!

After several weeks of chilly, gray skies it was touch and go whether the event would take place as originally scheduled, but May 20 dawned bright and sunny and