Our News

State Senator Salazar Gives $75K Boost For Bushwick Home For Adults With Disabilities

State Senator Salazar Gives $75K Boost For Bushwick Home For Adults With Disabilities

State Senator Salazar Gives $75K Boost For Bushwick Home For Adults With Disabilities

"These renovations support our goal of fostering independence and dignity for all residents. The enhanced accessibility features allow our residents to move more freely and safely throughout their hom...

Addressing Homelessness and Hunger

Addressing Homelessness and Hunger

Addressing Homelessness and Hunger

At S:US, we’re raising awareness about hunger and homelessness every day while working towards systemic changes that address their root causes.

State Funding Issued For Renovations To The Bushwick Group Home

State Funding Issued For Renovations To The Bushwick Group Home

State Funding Issued For Renovations To The Bushwick Group Home

The renovations allow residents greater independence, aligning with Services for the UnderServed’s mission to provide environments that promote community integration and personal agency.

State Senator Julia Salazar Announces $75,000 in State Funding to S:US for New Yorkers with I/DD in Bushwick

State Senator Julia Salazar Announces $75,000 in State Funding to S:US for New Yorkers with I/DD in Bushwick

State Senator Julia Salazar Announces $75,000 in State Funding to S:US for New Yorkers with I/DD in Bushwick

We’re grateful to Senator Salazar for funding home improvements which included replacing the ramp, widening the side entrance, and renovating the bathroom at an S:US group home for people with I/DD.

Honoring Staff Veterans

Honoring Staff Veterans

Honoring Staff Veterans

We are proud to recognize the remarkable contributions of our S:US staff who have served in the military. Each has brought their unique skills, dedication, and resilience to our mission of supporting ...

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