S:US Direct Support Professional Wins Award
The New York Alliance For Inclusion & Innovation recognized Ms. Shanika Rogers as a 2021 New York City DSP Winner. We're very proud that Ms. Rogers is on our team!
People with Developmental Disabilities Deserve Employment Opportunities
Daymont and David, two people we support who have developmental disabilities, shared their stories in honor of National Disability Employment Awareness Month.
Domestic Violence Survivors Share Their Hopes
We asked domestic violence survivors to write a short letter or statement to their future self or provide a reflection of their accomplishments since breaking the cycle of abuse.
Consumer Perspectives: Staffing Shortages Halt Progress
"It’s hard to make progress when it (care) keeps getting interrupted." Read more about Marcus' experience.
October 3-9 is Mental Illness Awareness Week
If you or someone you know has a mental illness, is struggling emotionally, or has concerns about their mental health, there are ways to get help.