October 26 NYC Rally for Behavioral Health COLA in 2023-24 State Budget

Several associations that represent mental health and substance use disorder prevention, treatment and recovery organizations will be holding two rallies this month in support of an 8.5% COLA (cost of living adjustment) increase for our sector: October 24 in Albany and October 25 in NYC. Our support will help raise visibility regarding increasing costs associated with operating these programs and the serious workforce crisis that is impacting our ability to provide access to care.
The rally for NYC will be held on Wednesday, October 26 10AM at City Hall Park. Our staff and the people we serve will be in attendance. We will raise out voice to increase visibility with the Governor and State Legislators on turnover, vacancy rates, and the real-life impact this has on our community. Look for the S:US banner by the 4/5/6 train entrance in City Hall Park at 9:50AM.