Opportunity for All: A Short Film from S:US

Source: S:US
Throughout New York City, thousands of people experience chronic homelessness stemming from challenges related to mental illness, trauma, addiction, and poverty. In this short film from Services for the UnderServed (S:US), watch five remarkable New Yorkers – Dennis, Renee, Ramon, Tina, and Valerie – reveal their touching journeys from homelessness to stability with the help of S:US.
“I couldn’t function. I couldn’t think straight. There were periods of time when I just slept in parks, train stations, on top of buildings and projects […] Life is new to me. I may be 58 years old but with only five years clean, I’m still new to living. I’m grateful for Services for the UnderServed.” – Dennis, a resident of Services for the UnderServed’s Knickerbocker veterans’ residence.
Make a difference in the lives of New Yorkers like Dennis and the other extraordinary people in this film with a gift to S:US.