No family is unaffected by mental illness and substance use. Mental illness is the leading cause of disability worldwide and only 9% of the 21 million Americans with drug or alcohol addiction challenges are receiving treatment. S:US is breaking down barriers and opening new doors. With the right set of supports and by working together, people can recover, lead productive lives and move past their challenges. Our programs and services:
Are offered in a manner that is respectful and highly supportive
Acknowledge the informed choice of each individual
Are grounded in evidence-based practice
Lois moved from California to New York, and very quickly ended up homeless, living on the streets. She felt helpless and desperate, and tried to commit suicide. While in hospital recovering, Lois was referred to S:US, and has been living in S:US housing for the last 13 years. Lois grows fruits and vegetables for all the residents in her building, and attends wellness programs. Today, Lois has her own apartment, and feels safe and hopeful.
Behavioral Health Services
Care Coordination
Improving the health and wellness of people living with complex behavioral and healthcare needs, this service greatly reduces reliance on Emergency Room and inpatient hospital services. Care is coordinated through consistent communication between health and behavioral health services providers so that all of an individual’s needs are addressed and continuously monitored by a central “Care Navigator”. For more details contact [email protected] or call 877-583-5336.
Treatment Services
Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)
S:US’ ACT teams deliver comprehensive mental health treatment to individuals who have a mental illness that seriously impairs their functioning in the community. Serving those whose needs have not been met by traditional clinic-based approaches, this innovative, recovery-oriented, ‘best practice’ intervention delivers treatment to people in their homes, shelters, parks and anywhere else they happen to be living, engaging them in a sustained relationship that leads to recovery. ACT Teams are a mobile interdisciplinary team of professionals (psychiatry, nursing, social work, rehabilitation) and peers. For more details please contact [email protected] or call 877-583-5336.
S:US’ substance use disorder out-patient clinics offer individual counseling and group sessions to adults with substance use challenges.
The Wellness Works Clinics, S:US’ mental health out-patient clinic, offers comprehensive, coordinated and holistic treatment for individuals with mental health challenges in a welcoming, supportive environment.
Wellness Works helps individuals manage their wellness by providing:
· Individual and group therapy
· Support in substance use recovery
· Medication management
· Peer support
· Assistance with other community resources and supports
Services are available in English and Spanish.
For more information and appointments please contact [email protected] or call 347-226-9025.
For payment information, please follow the link
Home and Community Based Services (HCBS)
Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) offer qualified Medicaid beneficiaries the opportunity to access a wide array of services in their home or community, rather than at institutions or other isolated settings. HCBS help individuals increase their independence, receive medical/psychiatric services, gain access to employment and educational opportunities, support the development of peer and family supports, and address crisis situations. S:US has been designated as a certified HCBS provider by the State of New York.
For more information and appointments please contact [email protected] or call 877-583-5336.
For payment information, please follow the link
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
S:US offers residential treatment services for people experiencing a substance use disorder. Services include social/psychological counseling, vocational and educational services, employment services, medical, health care and community referrals and assistance in finding permanent housing.
For more details please contact [email protected] or call 877-583-5336.
For payment information, please follow the link
HIV Support Services
Early detection, consistent engagement in health care and a stable living environment are all contributing factors for positive health outcomes among people living with HIV/AIDS. In addition to supported and emergency housing provided to individuals and families affected by HIV/ AIDS, S:US operates programs that encourage individuals to get tested for HIV and to engage in treatment if necessary:
Project HEALTH encourages individuals with behavioral health challenges to get tested for HIV and Hepatitis C. The program uses evidence-based practices in risk assessment, risk reduction, and health education. Project HEALTH immediately links individuals who test positive for either condition with appropriate health care from one of our partners. This program also provides supportive case management services to address practical needs such as entitlements counseling, housing assistance, and referral to additional services.
For more details please contact [email protected] or call 877-583-5336.
Recovery Services
S:US services are delivered in rehabilitation environments replete with opportunities for self-improvement, and offered in a manner that is respectful, valued and validating, with an emphasis on genuine, participatory, informed choice.
Peer Services
People with lived experience of mental health challenges help others in a unique way. They serve as role models, lending their peers the benefit of their own learned lessons and experiences in recovery. Peer to peer support helps individuals explore and realize opportunities for community participation, including employment, and pursue social and recreational opportunities. Peers also help each other maintain a physically healthy lifestyle and actively take charge of their own life. For more details please contact [email protected] or call 877-583-5336.
Clubhouse & Transitional Employment Program
The Brooklyn Clubhouse is a focus of activity for many individuals who live with mental illness. It offers GED and basic computer training, as well as training in food service, facilities management, computer applications and office skills. It provides valuable social and vocational opportunities, support from peer advocates, and assistance in developing critical life coping skills and work readiness. Clubhouse members participate in all aspects of its operation, including recruitment of new members, hiring staff, organizing activities and orienting new members. Peer counselors drive and enhance the recovery-oriented environment, which encourages members to find their own voice, recognize their strengths and use available supports to facilitate their own recovery.
A Transitional Employment Program also operates out of the Clubhouse. The program's objective is to strengthen the individual's work record and work skills toward the goal of achieving assisted or unassisted competitive employment at or above the minimum wage paid by the competitive sector employer. This program provides time-limited employment and on-the-job training in one or more integrated employment settings as an integral part of the individual's vocational rehabilitation growth. For more details please contact [email protected] or call 877-583-5336.
Supported Employment
Employment staff work collaboratively with participants to individualize a program of work readiness, education and/or training geared towards developing work ethics and gaining work experience. The program links participants to existing jobs and works with employers to develop new jobs. Employment specialists provide support and job coaching to enhance employee job performance and employer satisfaction. S:US is engaged in expanding our Employment Services through active partnerships with the business and public sectors.
The Assisted Competitive Employment program (ACE) assists individuals in choosing, finding and maintaining satisfying jobs in the competitive employment market at minimum wage or higher. ACE provides these individuals with job-related skills training as well as long-term supervision and support services, both at the work site and off-site. For more details please contact [email protected] or call 877-583-5336.
Crisis Respite Center
The Crisis Respite Center is a unique alternative to a hospital emergency room or inpatient care. It can also allow for a gentle means of reintegrating back into the community after intensive psychiatric care. S:US’ respite provides a safe, secure and supported home-like environment for people experiencing an emotional crisis. Lengths of stay are 1 to 28 days, and is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by people trained in supporting others to transform a crisis into an opportunity. Our respite center serves 13 individuals on any given day and close to 350 people per year. The Center offers psycho-educational, peer support, and social and recreational groups. S:US believes that choice is a critical component to recovery, and therefore participating in the Crisis Respite Center is completely voluntary. To inquire about referrals to the Center please contact [email protected] or call 877-583-5336.
Services to People with Criminal Justice Histories
In United States prisons alone, approximately 24% of inmates live with serious mental illness. Nationally, 50% of previously incarcerated individuals living with serious mental illness are re-arrested and return to prisons not because they have committed new offenses, but because they have not been able to comply with conditions of probation or parole, often due to their mental illness. In New York State, approximately 1,000 people living with serious mental illness, many living with co-occurring substance use disorders and histories of homelessness, are released from prisons each year. For more details please contact [email protected] or call 877-583-5336.
Forensic Re-Entry
S:US operates a Re-Entry program designed to provide supported housing with at least one year of post-release supervision, to individuals with mental illness released from New York State prisons and facing homelessness. Services include monthly case management and weekly intensive case management to promote successful reintegration into communities and society as a whole. Close communication is also maintained with the NYS Division of Parole to maintain continuity of care. For more details please contact [email protected] or call 877-583-5336.
Forensic Enhancement Services
S:US' Supported Housing provides recovery-oriented permanent scattered site apartments to individuals with mental illness and histories of incarceration who demonstrate the capacity to live and manage their own lives with minimal supports, who have achieved a level of community integration, and who are at risk of criminal justice recidivism. Staff collaborate with tenants on the development of an Individualized Service Plan with goals driven by the individual's expressed needs and preferences, particularly in the areas of developing a natural support system, avoiding contact with the criminal justice system and achieving desired life roles. For more details please contact [email protected] or call 877-583-5336.