
Having a roof over one’s head is more than protection from the elements. Housing is at the core of everything. Without the stability of a home, families cannot stay together, people cannot find employment, challenges completely overwhelm and life quickly spirals out of control. Almost half of all New Yorkers spend more than one-third of their income on rent. For people with low-incomes the problem is hugely exacerbated.

Over 55,000 New Yorkers are without a home. At S:US we’re committed to a better New York with housing for all. See what we’re doing to make that a reality.

Our Housing services are committed to providing:

Safe environments that promote independent living

Support and tools to move beyond diagnosis and stigma

A steady and growing pipeline of permanent low-income housing

When Reynaldo was released from a 16 month jail sentence he was suffering from serious health conditions and homeless. He became one of the estimated 37,000 New Yorker's using the city's homeless shelter system. Reynaldo eventually found his way to S:US where he was set up with transitional housing and enrolled in the Wellness Works program to better his health. He is now pursuing his B.A. in Computer Science and living near his family in permanent housing and maintaining a full time job.

Housing Portfolio:

Supported Housing

We know that when people have their own place to live, opportunity to focus on pursuing personal goals soon follows. S:US housing services provide residents access to additional support services to help meet their goals. We offer transitional and permanent housing in single site residences, apartment buildings and scattered site apartments for adults in recovery from mental illness, adults with substance use challenges, and adults living with HIV/AIDS. For more details please contact Central Intake at services@sus.org or call (877) 583-5336.

Notice of Rights to Reasonable Accommodation

Low-Income Housing

S:US owns and operates approximately 100 units of permanent low-income housing, and we have hundreds more in the pipeline. Our low-income housing is available to individuals with annual incomes of no more than $29,000 and families of four with incomes not exceeding $50,000. Rent subsidies through Section 8 vouchers and LINC Rental Assistance are honored. All applications must be made through NYC Housing Connect Lottery.

Notice of Rights to Reasonable Accommodation
