Urban Farms

UrbanFarms.buttonS:US Urban Farms functions as an innovative supplement to the supports we offer our individuals, as we use horticulture as a tool to improve wellness outcomes and help those who participate to achieve their personal and professional goals. S:US Urban Farms touches over 600 individuals each year, providing therapeutic horticulture, nutritional programming, and employment opportunities to the individuals we serve – through workshops, field experiences, and our network of community farms and garden spaces. Special features of Urban Farms include:

91 growing spaces in 4 boroughs, including 8 community farms

In 2024, grew 12,200 pounds of food, equivalent to 8,500 meals, with an approximate market value of $51,000

24 S:US urban farmers serving as landscapers, farm specialists and peer educators

Engages more than 700 people in therapeutic horticulture, nutrition programming, and vocational training

Honey cultivation at the S:US beehive

Our Urban Farms team has been making videos with tips on home gardening and how to make infused oils, balms, and other DIY recipes. Subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Urban Farms Partners

Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Our connection to NYC’s horticultural community allows S:US Urban Farms to create a range of unique offerings for participants – including apprenticeships at this world-renowned public garden.

Hudson River Park Conservancy

We offer volunteer opportunities at this highly valued conservancy.

Kingsborough Community College Culinary Arts Dept.

Individuals discover how to take vegetables from farm-to-table in nourishing and delicious new ways.

Manhattan’s High Line

We place volunteers for miles at this well-traveled New York City landmark.

NYC Parks and Recreation

Participants learn the skills and fine art of street tree stewardship from the experts.

Rooftop Reds

Employment opportunities at the first commercially viable rooftop vineyard in New York City.

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