Our News

Recovery Month Carnival

2016-09-Recovery Mth CarnivalPhoto credit: S:US

S:US’ Starhill Residence was the site of the S:US Recovery Carnival, an event held to celebrate residents’ recovery from addiction during National Drug and Alcohol Recovery Month.

This year’s carnival took place on September 22, and not only did it celebrate each resident’s journey to recovery but also taught them how to have sober fun.  The event also served as a way to introduce S:US to the local substance use community and provided an opportunity for our treatment teams to market their services.

Throughout the day more than 100 people participated in the carnival, including S:US residents and the local neighborhood.  Everyone commented that the event was a success and much needed in the community.  They left feeling empowered with the information provided and encouraged to live a life free of substance use.

Click on the arrows below to see the event slide show:

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