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Santander Bank Gives S:US a Grant to Support At-Risk Veterans

Santander Bank Gives S:US a Grant to Support At-Risk Veterans

We are excited to announce a renewed grant to S:US Veterans Services from Santander Bank, N.A. (“Santander Bank”), which has been a supporter of our work with veterans for the past three years. This grant will help S:US continue to provide job training and other services to help low-income veterans increase their financial stability and access affordable housing.

Many of the veterans served by this grant will have experienced homelessness or dealt with unemployment, and/or live with mental health challenges or substance use disorders. They may also be disconnected from family and other social supports. Funding from Santander Bank enables S:US to help these veterans obtain certifications and/or complete career training programs, secure job interviews, receive food or rent assistance, and secure permanent, stable housing.

Each year, S:US Veterans Services works with nearly 3,000 veterans and their families living in all five boroughs, Nassau and Suffolk counties on Long Island, and surrounding suburbs. Of the veterans we serve, 90% are experiencing homelessness; 60% live with mental illness, substance use disorders, and/or serious health conditions; and 30% have a history of involvement with the criminal justice system. Nearly all of them are low-income.

Vincent, a U.S. Navy Veteran, and his spouse, are one veteran family recently served by S:US. In 2020, while Vincent was recovering from a stroke, he and his spouse were evicted from their home due to loss of income during the COVID-19 pandemic. As senior citizens, they rely on the limited income they receive from Social Security. S:US’ staff connected Vincent and his spouse to local community resources and placed them into emergency housing while helping make a long-term plan to stabilize the family. Through coordination and support from S:US, Vincent and his spouse were able to receive government assistance to help them access long-term housing and social services. They have made their new apartment a home and will benefit from an increased quality of life because of the interventions S:US provided.

Vincent and his spouse are just one example of a veteran family that has been assisted by S:US. With the support of Santander Bank and our other generous funders, S:US will be able to continue to assist at-risk veterans find new homes and job opportunities and become more self-sufficient.

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