Small Steps Make A Big Difference

With so many UnderServed populations and so many needs in our city it can be easy to forget that sometimes its the simple things that make a big difference.
Two valuable projects S:US collaborates with are the annual HOPE count and Bombas sock company. Collaborating with events like these are tangible ways for S:US supporters, volunteers, staff and donors to remember the root of why S:US exists and acknowledge those that are too often forgotten.
Monday February 6, 2017 S:US joined Homeless Outreach Population Estimate (HOPE) on their annual count walk.
Teams of people from various organizations across the city come together to walk and take notice of each homeless person. We count because each person deserves to be seen and it’s time to take notice.
Socks are one of the most needed yet least donated articles of clothing to homeless shelters. Throughout January and February of 2017 S:US has worked with Bombas to give new socks to individuals in need. Bombas is a sock company that donates a pair of socks for every pair purchased. S:US is quickly approaching 2 million pairs of socks being donated to our consumers in need this year!
If you would like to join the S:US team for our next HOPE count walk or donate socks please contact S:US Volunteer & Community Relations Manager at .