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World Suicide Prevention Day

2016_wspd_ribbon_500X500Photo credit:  International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP)

September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day, a time when you can join with others around the world who are working towards the common goal of preventing suicide.
• Check in on someone you may be concerned about, and start a caring conversation with them
• Asking them how they’re doing.
• Investigate ways of connecting with others who are trying to prevent suicide in your community.

Did you know…
S:US provides suicide prevention services by implementing a Zero Suicide initiative to improve the care and outcomes for individuals at risk of suicide in our health care service system.
Through professional staff trained to detect and prevent suicide, we offer treatment services, counseling and emergency housing, at our respite centers, and clinics and mobile teams. The result is a safe, supportive and positive environment that drastically reduces the likelihood that our fellow New Yorkers will commit suicide.
After their immediate crisis is over, we take things a step further by providing individual care coordination and assistance in finding supported housing and employment. With all these services together, each individual has the best opportunities to lead a life of purpose.

Our Veteran Services team also coordinates suicide prevention for veterans through Operation Constant Courage (OP:CC). OP:CC is a veteran-empowered, community-based program providing suicide prevention services and crisis response to veterans. The program provides a proactive, grassroots solution to the veteran suicide epidemic through a trusted and trained network of veteran peers across the region who volunteer as on-call first responders to rapidly intervene during crises when veterans are at risk of suicide. With veteran first responders available throughout New York City, lower Westchester, and Nassau and Suffolk counties, the time it takes to intervene and stop veterans from committing suicide is decreased. OP:CC also provides long-term support for veterans at risk of suicide. S:US connects veterans with mental health services provided by the organization and other leading human services providers, and works in collaboration with federal and state agencies to advocate for veterans’ access to benefits and services that address their behavioral health challenges.

For suicide prevention support, please call toll free 1-800-273-8255

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