Our News

Supporting Our Urban Farms

2016-04-18-Raised beds at Chester urban farm-450x450-framedWhether it’s planting seedlings or installing hydroponics in our greenhouses many hands will be hard at work next month.  That’s because during the month of May three of our S:US consumers will join the ranks of S:US urban farmers and begin working part-time at our urban farms.  Angelo, Jeremy, and Toriano (not pictured) from the 5th Avenue Day Habilitation program will be applying their new gardening skills in caring for our community farm sites in Brooklyn and Queens. Their work will include site landscaping, caring for dozens of varieties of fruits, vegetables and herbs, and working on special farming projects.

May is also the month when a sumptuous meal will be prepared by celebrity chefs Andrew Zimmern, Alex Guarnaschelli (pictured) and eight other kitchen masters.  These chefs will prepare mouthwatering dishes for S:US’ 4th annual Dinner For A Better New York (DFBNY) which takes place on May 18 at Riverpark, Manhattan.  Guests who purchase seats for our Dinner will not only enjoy an incredibly delicious meal but will also help to fund the S:US Urban Farms initiative.

2015-03-DFBNY-Guarnaschelli & Zimmern-framedIn the 2015 growing season, under the professional guidance of Mike Hollis, S:US Urban Farms Manager, S:US’ Urban Farms trained 17 individuals (three of whom are mentioned above) in urban agricultural skills.  80% of the food grown at S:US Urban Farms goes directly to the hosting residences, but this year, we are excited to expand our farmers market participation with S:US produce and products to be offered at eight NYC farmers markets through the summer months. Our urban farms initiative offers the individuals who S:US serves a unique opportunity to work as urban farmers and to build their professional skills in a real-world setting.

Photo credit: S:US

Would you like to help support our urban farms while enjoying a culinary feast prepared by Andrew Zimmern and friends?  Click here to reserve your seat today!



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