S:US Holiday Gift Project

Holiday Gift Project photo
What warms your heart during the holiday season?  Is it tinsel?  Eggnog?  Sleigh bells in the snow?  For S:US, it’s the joy of seeing our community come together to take part in the S:US Holiday Gift Project by volunteering to buy or package holiday gifts for individuals who S:US serves, many of whom have no family or social networks. Check out the FAQs below for more information.

Share in the spirit of the holiday season by creating a personalized gift for individuals served by S:US, so that they may have a holiday filled with joy!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I get involved?

Email Minjung Park at [email protected] with the number of individuals you’d like to gift.

How much should I spend on each individual?

We ask our programs to keep the individuals’ wishes under $40.

Can I spend more?

Of course, we do not want to quash anyone’s generosity. However, if you have the means, please spread the wealth and adopt more individuals.

What if I can’t find (or afford) the person’s wish?

We provide suggestions or wishes. While most wishes cost $40 or less, our staff are strong advocates for the individuals we serve. Please do not feel obligated to fulfill the wish exactly.

I don’t enjoy shopping. Can I still participate?

Definitely. You can make a donation and we will do the shopping for you. Also, one of the most requested wishes is for a gift card. It allows individuals to make their own purchases. Just let us know and we’ll send you individuals who specifically request gift cards.

What is the best way to put names of gift recipients on stockings/gifts/bags?

Some people staple, glue, or tape the names on. If you are crafty, bubble or fabric paint is the way to go.

Should the gifts be wrapped?
Definitely no need to gift wrap if gifts are in a stocking or gift bag. While some people gift wrap the larger items and others gift wrap everything, we will also have a sorting and gift-wrapping volunteer day on Saturday, December 14, 2019. If interested in participating, please contact Minjung Park at [email protected].

What is the deadline to drop off gifts?

The last date to drop off gifts is December 11th. We need enough time to package the gifts and deliver them to their program sites before the holidays.

When can I drop off gifts?

Our business hours are generally Monday through Friday, 9 AM–5 PM. However, you may also contact Minjung Park at [email protected] to arrange specific dates and times for drop offs.

Where do I send or drop off the gifts?

Please send or drop off stockings to:

463 Seventh Avenue, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10018, attention: Minjung Park


For further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Minjung Park, Volunteer & Community Relations Manager, at [email protected] or 917-408-1622.


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