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S:US Receives Grant to Support Affordable and Supported Housing Rehabilitation Project

S:US Receives Grant to Support Affordable and Supported Housing Rehabilitation Project

Photo credit: S:US

S:US has received a grant from Wells Fargo to support pre-development work for a project that will rehabilitate and preserve over 300 supported housing units in seven of our buildings in Brooklyn and Queens.

This rehabilitation project will protect the stability of the buildings. Many of our residents are part of vulnerable populations most at-risk of homelessness, such as people of color, veterans, survivors of domestic violence, people with mental illness and substance use challenges, and people living with HIV/AIDS. Without new funding for capital repairs and restructured rental streams, these buildings would slowly deteriorate and this valuable housing would be threatened.

This project will complement our past work by building upon the foundation of our efforts to preserve and create supported and affordable housing throughout New York City.

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