The 2022 Responsible 100

The 2022 Responsible 100

City & State
December 12, 2022

S:US President & CEO Jorge R. Petit, MD and Developmental Disabilities Vice President of Day Services Ms. Jajaida Gonzalez, MS, MA, CESP were recognized among New York’s 100 most outstanding corporate citizens. City & State‘s 2022 Responsible 100 includes business, government, nonprofit and advocacy leaders that display both the idealism that underpins the belief that change is possible and a realistic understanding of the dedication required to effectuate real and enduring change.

Dr. Petit’s job description

I oversee a large nonprofit organization with a $245 million operating budget and a staff of 1,800, providing an array of shelter, housing and treatment support services to over 37,000 New Yorkers every year facing homelessness, mental and substance use disorders and people with intellectual or developmental disabilities, as well as over 60 urban farms and gardens across New York City.

Ms. Gonzalez’s job description

I am responsible for leading our day habilitation team in creating environments that are active learning spaces for the people we support with intellectual or developmental disabilities, while also engaging in activities that are purposeful and meaningful. There is joy in seeing someone realize that they belong and have worth regardless of their different abilities.

Dr. Petit defines social responsibility

As an organization advancing social justice, we create opportunities for all. At the heart of what we do is a firm commitment to righting the disparities caused by racial discrimination, bias and health inequity and eradicating these within our practices and programs to help us move towards true social justice.

Ms. Gonzalez defines social responsibility

We must take into account how our presence, ideas, interactions and journey affect the communities we engage in. At work, this is no different. We must consider the whole person and the experience of their journey, be it a person supported or a staff member. Social responsibility requires that we accept others even if their view does not always match ours, because we must all have a space for growth and acceptance.

The S:US core mission of driving scalable solutions to transform the lives of people with disabilities, people in poverty and people facing homelessness is grounded on embracing solutions that contribute to social justice and create opportunities for all.

We thank Dr. Petit and Ms. Gonzalez for their hard work and commitment in supporting New Yorkers in need and look forward to their continued success.

Read the original article.

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