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Volunteering At The Opera

Judith Gordon-Campbell & Jesse Willis-450x440Photo credit: S:US

When you hear the word “opera” you probably think of a beautifully-lit stage, booming voices and larger than life personalities. Chances are you don’t think of the quiet yet enthusiastic cleaning crew that keep the place clean and appealing. Jesse Willis (pictured with S:US Day Habilitation Specialist Judith Gordon-Campbell) is one of the individuals who participate in our 5th Avenue Day Hab. Program and recently began volunteering on weekends at the Opera House in Brooklyn. True, Jesse and his fellow volunteers aren’t wearing period costumes and singing arias but they are doing something equally important: cleaning, sweeping, picking up litter and providing a general cleanup to prepare the opera house for its next performance. While they perform these useful services each individual is also developing valuable skills they can use in competitive employment.  Individuals have shared that they like volunteering at the opera house because they get to interact with opera attendees and enjoy magnificent singing and live orchestral music. The Regina Opera House has expressed immense gratitude for these volunteers and invited them to attend performances and enjoy free refreshments during the intermissions. S:US is proud of our individuals’ commitment and diligence in their volunteering efforts, and their engagement in culture within their community!

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