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VOTE Daily For S:US To Receive A $20K Seeds Of Change Grant

VOTE Daily For S:US To Receive A $20K Seeds Of Change Grant

Are you proud of the work of our Urban Farms? Would you like to see the Farms grow?

Here is a chance to show your pride and help the farms expand as we engage  dozens more S:US urban farmers.

We have entered our Urban Farms in a competition where we can win $20,000! The only way to get to the next round is to secure a significant number of votes from you, your family, your friends and your professional contacts.

You can vote for S:US Urban Farms at:  http://www.seedsofchangegrant.com/TheGallery.aspx

Our submission can be found most easily by searching the garden name “Fountain” (for Fountain Avenue Community Farm) as the voting website does not allow for direct linking to specific entries. You may vote once per calendar day. Voting ends April 27, 2015.

Please vote daily, spread the word and let’s see our garden grow.

For more information on Seeds of Change visit: seedsofchange.com.


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