6th Annual NHP Foundation Symposium “One Paycheck Away from Homelessness: Building Support for Affordable Housing” Breaks Fundraising and Sponsor Support Goals

6th Annual NHP Foundation Symposium “One Paycheck Away from Homelessness: Building Support for Affordable Housing” Breaks Fundraising and Sponsor Support Goals

Photo by The NHP Foundation. Arlo Chase is pictured fourth from the right.

November 17, 2022

Monies raised increase onsite Resident Services at NHPF properties

New York, NY (PRWEB) – The NHP Foundation (NHPF), a national provider of award-winning affordable housing today announced that its 6th annual Symposium, addressing the need to garner public support for affordable housing, held last month at Union Station in Washington, D.C. exceeded fundraising and attendance goals by 20% over 2021.

The event, which combines proprietary research and presentations from NGOs in the housing space, was the first all in-person event since 2019. Attendees heard a keynote address from the Executive Director of the US Interagency Council on Homelessness, Jeff Olivet, who discussed the soon-to-be-released Biden-Harris administration’s federal strategic plan to prevent and end homelessness. The plan looks at how to stem the tide of people moving into homelessness, by “pairing an increase in housing with an upstream [homelessness] prevention strategy.”

Attendees heard from four presenters on successful efforts to combat NIMBYism (Not in my Backyard) and creatively provide housing for various populations in each of their communities. NHPF CEO Dick Burns said, “Hearing solutions from on-the-ground housing providers, advocates, and others helps start a conversation urging government, not-for-profit, and for-profit developers, the corporate sector, and society at large to initiate the efforts necessary to house those in need.”

Eva Thibaudeau, CEO of Temenos CDC in Houston, and recipient of NHPF’s 2022 Industry Leader Award spoke of her partnership with Pastor Rudy Rasmus of St. Johns Church which demonstrated the power of a religious institution in gaining acceptance for apartments built to house controversial populations: formerly incarcerated citizens, active drug users, and those experiencing untreated mental illness.

Jon Searles, Community and Development Director, Wisconsin Housing (WHEDA) told of how the smart and empathetic advertising strategy featuring local workers who would live in the proposed housing: teachers, nurses, restaurant workers, etc. – worked to secure popular support for a development.

Representing Services for the UnderServed (S:US), in New York, Arlo Chase, Senior Vice President: Real Estate & Property Development, showed the importance of fighting for inclusive zoning laws to pave the way for housing in dense areas such as New York City.

Finally, Brian Rossbert, CEO, Housing Colorado demonstrated how his organization took a seemingly negative solution (tent cities) and turned it into a master stroke the city of Denver embraced.

All of the proceedings were moderated by affordable housing advocates Thom Amdur, Sr. Vice President, Policy & Impact, Lincoln Avenue Capital and Emily Cadik, CEO, Affordable Housing Tax Credit Coalition (AHTCC).

NHPF also collaborated with providers, E-Consult Solutions and Toluna to create a research report gaining perspective from professionals in the affordable housing ecosystem as well as average American on many issues of affordable housing such as “Should affordable housing be a human right?” and “How comfortable are you having affordable housing in your neighborhood?” as well as looking at who may be the most receptive audiences for local affordable housing support. The thought-provoking responses are found here.

“Our 6th Annual Symposium was convened to tackle the question: what will it take to create a country where public and private sectors muster unprecedented popular support for service-enriched affordable housing that changes lives for the most vulnerable among us?” said NHPF CEO Dick Burns. “Hearing solutions from on-the-ground housing providers, advocates, and others helps start a conversation urging government, not-for-profit, and for-profit developers, the corporate sector, and society at large to initiate the efforts necessary to house those in need.”

Proceeds from the 6th Annual NHPF Symposium will benefit Operation Pathways which provides vital, onsite services for residents of NHPF’s affordable housing properties in communities around the country.


Read the original press release.

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