Mom’s Plea On How To Talk About Kids With Down Syndrome Goes Viral

[PARENTING.COM] Caroline Boudet, the mother of a 4-month-old baby with Down Syndrome, posted on Facebook what others should—and should not—say to parents of children with the genetic disorder.

Seven Famous Women Veterans

[MILITARY.COM] From a computer genius to a popular sitcom star, these 7 talented women have made their mark in the U.S. military history.

Survey: Mental Health Stigmas Are Shifting

[CNN] New survey reveals that Americans views on mental health are changing.

House And Senate Members Announce Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation To Enhance ABLE Accounts

[McMORRIS.HOUSE.GOV] Mother of a boy with Down Syndrome is among the senators who introduced bipartisan legislation to help individuals with disabilities and their families save for their futures

5 Ways To Love Someone With Mental Illness

[HUFFINGTON POST] Here are five ways we can love someone with mental illness (and still love ourselves)...