How To Apply For Affordable Housing In New York City

[DNAINFO-NY] Nowadays, it’s rare for housing lotteries to attract anything less than 50,000 applicants, but in order to qualify for the city’s affordable housing lotteries, New Yorkers must pass ...

Learning To Farm: An Idyllic Way To Cope With Drug Addiction

[TAKEPART.COM] Growing crops is helping some addicts work through recovery and maintain sobriety.

9 Things People Don’t Tell You About Living With Asperger’s

[BUZZFEED] Imagine this: You’re in a room filled with people talking loudly, and there are 10 different radios blasting white noise across their speakers. Add a ticking clock, a nasty smell, a thro...

Are Micro-Apartments A Good Solution To The Affordable-Housing Crisis?

[THE NEW YORKER] In a city where many pay half of their income or more on rent, about a thousand dollars a month for a brand-new
Richard Gere Promotes New York Homelessness Film In Glasgow
[BELFAST TELEGRAPH] Hollywood actor Richard Gere has been in Glasgow promoting a film in which he plays a homeless man in New York.