About one in six children in the U.S. is living with a developmental disability. One in 68 has been identified on the autism spectrum. With the right set of supports, people with intellectual/developmental disabilities can live in, work in, contribute to and participate in the community. This happens over and over again – every time it does, society is the better for it. That’s what we do.
Our services support each individual to:
Live and receive services in the community of their choice
Build and enjoy social connections through productive community participation
Deepen relationships with friends, family and others in their lives
Direct their own lives and experience life to their fullest potential
Elizabeth has lived at our Vernon residence for almost 20 years. All her neighbors know Elizabeth and everywhere she goes, there is a chorus of Hi Elizabeth! At home, it is the same. Returning each day from her day program, Elizabeth shouts out, Hi to each of her housemates and staff members. Elizabeth is eager to learn and practice her self-care skills but when she hears music, Elizabeth stops all activity to dance.
Developmental Disabilities Services
Residential Services provide a range of housing to people with intellectual/developmental disabilities. Each home offers support services providing people access to medical, nursing, psychological, nutritional, and employment services. Our services are focused on the person’s overall health and safety, as well as on their emotional well-being. This holistic approach is tailored to every person’s unique characteristics in supporting each person as an individual.
Day Habilitation
Our Day Habilitation programs reduce the barriers to community inclusion by building each individual’s practical skills. These include communication and self-preservation, community awareness, independent living and pre-vocational skills by volunteering in the community. For more details please contact Jajaida Gonzalez at [email protected] or call 212 633-6900 ext. 2318.
Community Habilitation
Community Habilitation encourages people with intellectual/developmental disabilities who don’t live in S:US homes to engage in their community. Community Habilitation staff assist persons served to strengthen their social skills and aid with independent living activities such as cooking, travel and household upkeep. With this model, we assist the person to acquire the necessary life skills to be successful as a contributing member of society. Additionally, we help prepare the person to gain the skills needed for greater independence.
Employment opportunities allow people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, as assisted by job developers and job coaches, to prepare for, secure, and be successful in their work/volunteer environments. Supported Employment (SEMP) provides support to assist people to obtain and maintain paid competitive jobs in the community. For more details please contact Jajaida Gonzalez at [email protected] or call 212 633-6900 ext. 2318.
Self-Direction empowers people with intellectual/developmental disabilities and their family to determine, with a great amount of flexibility, the supports and services that best fit their needs. Individuals who self-direct will be assisted by a circle of support, a group of people who advocates for the person’s best interests and supports their success. For more details please contact Johanna Cepin at [email protected] or call 212 633-6900 ext. 5397.
ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis)
ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) is used to teach appropriate communication and social skills that decrease the frequency of challenging behaviors that limit opportunities to engage in the community. The application of the principles of this evidence-based practice has led to a decrease in the use of psychotropic medication, a decrease in emergency room visits and hospitalizations, and greater independence for people served. For more details please contact Laurie Steffens at [email protected] or call 917-471-2170.
CSIDD (Crisis Services for Individuals with Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities)
CSIDD offers crisis prevention and response services to improve the lives of people with intellectual/developmental disabilities (IDD) and behavioral health needs, as well as to their families and their circles of support, through the evidence-based START (Systemic, Therapeutic, Assessment, Resources, and Treatment) model. This model focuses on enhancing the “system” or “circles of supports” to better enable the system to assist the individual, all with a focus on access and improving community-based, person-centered supports. The overall goal of CSIDD is to build relationships and supports across service systems to help people remain in their homes and communities, and enhance the ability of the community to support them. For more details about CSIDD services or to submit a referral, please contact [email protected] or 646-565-5890. For more information about the START model, visit https://www.centerforstartservices.org/locations/new-york
The S:US CSIDD Therapeutic Resource Center is a four-bedroom facility that includes two planned beds and two crisis beds, which provide respite and clinical services for guests, aged 21 and over, who have an intellectual/developmental disability and complex behavioral health needs that are also enrolled in the CSIDD program. The Center serves individuals in Brooklyn and Staten Island. S:US is one of two CSIDD/START service providers in the New York City region. For more details please contact [email protected] or call 646-565-5890.
Grief Counseling
Grief Counseling is offered in individual or group settings to people supported and the staff who work with them. Experiential activities are employed to help give expression to grief.
Outside the Box
S:US Championships
For individuals residing with S:US and attending our day programs, group athletics and competition – medals and all – provide a terrific outlet. The S:US Championships and Family Fun Day is held each year in the fall.
Basketball League
In black and green uniforms, the S:US Warriors practice weekly and provide mean competition for other Day Hab teams in NYC. Highly competitive and high-energy games have made us six time champions with placement in the playoffs every season!
Best Buddies
Friends provide the support, encouragement and companionship that we all need. Many individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities experience feelings of isolation and disconnection and seek to develop friendships outside of their residences. To this end, S:US has partnered with Best Buddies New York, a volunteer effort that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships between people with intellectual/developmental disabilities and peers in the corporate and civic communities. Best Buddies speak at least weekly and meet monthly with the goal of establishing mutually enriching friendships.