S:US Honors And Supports Vets, This Veterans Day And Beyond

Today the S:US community (staff, veterans served and friends) will continue the tradition of the annual NYC Veterans Day Parade and march in the 2014 America’s Parade on behalf of our Veteran Services division. But after the march, the unsettling reality is that many of our vets will still be fighting to survive…not in combat, but right here at home.
Many veterans returning from military service do not have the resources or network needed to live the quality of life they deserve. They’re often left homeless, unemployed and facing other challenges while trying to reintegrate into society due to the mental and emotional wounds of war. Some 4,300 vets are homeless in New York City alone.
For many veterans experiencing challenges post-service, specialized services are required to address immediate needs. S:US’ Veterans Services actively targets those veterans at highest risk for homelessness, unemployment, and untreated medical, psychiatric and substance use disorders. We have provided housing, employment and wellness services for veterans in New York City for over 15 years and today, we serve approximately 2,300 veterans. The veterans who come to us for services are those that need support the most. Take Fred, a vet who was living on the streets before he found a home at our Knickerbocker Transitional Housing Program. “Life on the street compared to where I’m at now is like going through hell and then taking the elevator straight up to heaven.” (See his story here: http://sus.org/freds-story/)
Like all the individuals we serve, we believe that our veterans deserve to continue to live with dignity so when we march today we are not just honoring them, we are helping to raise awareness for the issues our vets face every day on the home front. The needs of the veterans S:US supports are great. We welcome you to get involved with S:US’ Veterans Services through volunteerism, partnerships or making a donation. To learn more about S:US’ Veterans Services, please visit http://sus.org/veterans/.