S:US & Robin Hood Foundation Host Event To Prepare Vets For The Workforce

The process of finding a job can be difficult for enough anyone, but the hunt can be a particularly arduous task for veterans returning to civilian life.
“The veteran community is very diverse and the challenges that many veterans face are equally diverse. At S:US Veterans Services, two of the biggest challenges our veterans face are housing and employment,” says Celsie Williams, Employment Development Manager of S:US Veterans Services division.
“With regards to employment specifically, many of our veterans express a need for help with multiple job search skills such as interviewing, translating their military skills to a business/civilian environment and networking. In addition, many veterans are faced with underlying physical and mental health challenges that may hinder their efforts towards sustainable employment.”
As part of the services offered at S:US, veterans take part in skill-building and exercises like mock interviews to help them acquire competitive jobs that lead to more productive and sustainable lifestyles. This week we teamed up with fellow non-profit Robin Hood Foundation to host an event that would help our vets prepare for the interview process — both vets and volunteers say the event was a success!.
READ MORE: A Bridge To Employment For Veterans
Vets were paired with volunteers who asked them questions that may pop up in interviews (“What are your strengths and weaknesses?” “Give me an example of a time you made a mistake. How did you handle it?”) then evaluated their responses in various areas of Presence, Content, Character, adding notes about what was impressive about the candidate and what the candidate might improve.
Many of the veterans in attendance are living in shelters or transitional housing and one returned to civilian life just two months ago. Our vets reported that the process was a helpful one for feedback and practice (one volunteer who happened to have an interview the next day said the evening was helpful to brush up on her skills too!).
“Regardless of the challenges, [our veterans] have a strong desire to reach their goal – a dignified, independent and fulfilling life within their communities,” Williams told volunteers, adding, “and with help, we are committed to assisting them in doing so.”
S:US Featured In Robin Hood Veterans Initiative Documentary [WATCH]
Click here to see images from the event.
Click here for more information on S:US’ Veterans Services.
For more information on Robin Hood Foundation visit robinhood.org.
April is Volunteer Awareness Month! Have a volunteer idea or skills you might want to contribute to S:US programs? Contact Minjung Park, Manager, Volunteer & Community Relations, [email protected].