NYS, NYC, S:US and Partners Announce Morris Ave Construction

$47 million, 94-unit Morris Ave apartments will serve low- and moderate-income residents; provide permanent supportive housing for people in need of mental health support.

Andrew Zimmern Hosted Dinner for Urban Farms

On May 18 S:US Board member and TV Chef Andrew Zimmern curated the 4th Annual S:US Dinner For A Better New York at Riverpark, NY. Guests enjoyed a sumptuous 5-course dinner prepared by other a team of...

Scott Conant Cooked For Urban Farms

Chef Scott Conant of Scarpetta joined a team of New York's greatest chefs to prepare an appetizing 5-course meal at our Dinner For A Better New York to help raise funds for S:US Urban Farms.

Marc Forgione Joined Chefs Cooking For Urban Farms

Chef Marc Forgione of Restaurant Marc Forgione and American Cut joined a team of New York's greatest chefs to prepare an appetizing 5-course meal at our Dinner For A Better New York to help raise fund...

Alex Guarnaschelli Cooked For Urban Farms

Chef Alex Guarnaschelli of Butter joined a team of New York’s greatest chefs to prepare scrumptious hors d'oeuvres before a 5-course meal at our May 18 Dinner For A Better New York at Riverpark to h...