Advocacy At Work

Earlier this week S:US staff and representatives from our community of consumers joined the New York State Association of Community and Residential Agencies (NYSACRA) in Albany to meet with legislator...

Ribbon-cutting At The Gateway Elton II

S:US joined the HPD, HDC, Hudson Companies and several other organizations for the ribbon-cutting of the beautiful new affordable housing apartments at the Gateway Elton Development in Spring Creek, ...

PRESS: Working Together To Keep NYC Safe

On January 27 we reported that the city had awarded S:US more than $3 million for coordinated health services. On February 9, this story was picked up New York Nonprofit Media.

Working Together To Keep NYC Safe

When individuals experience a combination of homelessness, mental health issues and incarceration they need to be treated by a united team who have expertise in all three fields because if their treat...

Bright Corner Transforms Fear Into Confidence

Jenna is a 58-year old woman with a history of substance and alcohol use who began to have delusions that her landlord was entering her apartment at night and rearranging her belongings. Jenna’s me...