After Neely homicide, mental health workers explain what to do if someone is in crisis on the subway
For many New Yorkers, encountering someone who’s agitated or appears to be in crisis on the train is an everyday occurrence. Mental health experts say it’s untrue that people with mental illness a...
S:US Supports Denim Day
S:US wears denim on the last Wednesday of April to support sexual assault survivors and to raise sexual assault awareness.
S:US Receives Grant from the Maria Grazia Panaro Foundation for New Community Fridge
Our community fridges provide fresh produce and pantry staples to people served by S:US as well as to low-income New Yorkers from the surrounding communities.
Reducing Stigma through Harm Reduction Interventions
People with mental illness and substance use disorders are reluctant to seek care due to the pervasiveness of stigma among providers and systems of care. Using a Harm Reduction approach is not only on...
Consumer Perspectives: Food Security is a Social Justice Issue
People served shared their experience with SNAP, food pantries, and supports from S:US that ensures they have enough to eat. They are grateful for the services they receive and are also worried about ...